Home > Sullivan Mahoney LLP

Lawyers, Attorneys, Paralegal Listings in Sullivan Mahoney LLP

Reviews for Sullivan Mahoney LLP.
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Address: 40 Queen St, St. Catharines, ON L2R 5G3, Canada
Phone: (905) 688-6655
Website: http://www.sullivanmahoney.com/
Kyle A on 2019-11-14
 Sullivan Mahoney helped me retain my house. Was very straight forward and easy. Andrew and Kasia are great. Would use this firm for any of my needs. Highly recommend to everyone I know. 5 stars.
Ehtasham Faisal on 2017-03-21
 affordable legal services
Sharon Feeley on 2020-02-18
 I was very pleased with the results of my case. Thank you for helping me with my severance case.
Andrew Kulakowsky on 2019-11-08
 I have been working with Patrick & Kasia over the last couple years. I refer 100% of my buyer and seller clients to them. They are friendly, professional, and extremely efficient!! Hands down make sure to give them a call if you need any real estate, business, or estate law services!
Ziad Haji on 2018-06-16
 Mr. Bruce MacDonald is the best family lawyer on the planet, in my opinion and I am so grateful and feel privileged to have him represent me in family court. Mr. MacDonald is very knowledgeable, professional and he truly cares about his clients and their needs. Mr. MacDonald has gone above and beyond and there are not enough words to describe how great he truly is. Family court can be very difficult and complicated but Mr. MacDonald always puts the needs of his client first and helps his clients in this very stressful time. Mr. MacDonald calmly deals with every little detail in a timly and effect way.

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