The bad reviews I am seeing on this page is just down right wrong and shameful. I am a graduate of the Humber College Protection, Security, and Investigation 2 year diploma program and I would have to give the institution overall a 5/5. The professors I had were all experts in their specific fields, many of our professors were former intelligence analysts, security managers, private investigators, cybersecurity and engineers, English teachers all are alumni of prestigious world universities like Columbia University, etc. The facilities at the college is awesome. The college charges students a lot of money since they need it to purchase good equipment for use by faculty and students in the classes. The college builds tons of buildings like the welcome centre, fitness centre, L building, the lakeshore campus is beautiful and has nice views of the lake from the grounds, the grounds are well maintained and managed, security staff is nice on campus, north campus has an awesome library and resource commons. The engineering and applied technology programs are very good, Humber is home to the Barrett centre of technology innovation, which is a facility that recognizes Humber’s experience and expertise in the fields of robotics, innovative technology, research, etc. Humber is one of the best colleges in Canada! My professors were awesome! My program co-ordinators and professors all use to answer me very quickly. The English classes are good and teach you the skills and theory you need to be successful in your given career and field. Go to Humber college and you will love it!!! Yes tuition is high and feees are high,, but they do spend it all on building new buildings for student usage, and yeah!