Updated: July 22nd, 2022 | North York | Lawyer List L | Crown Attorney's Office |
The current rating of Linsay Weis is
And receives 75 page views
Address: 1001 Finch Ave. W. North York, Ontario M3J 2V5
Lawyer Firm: Crown Attorney’s Office
Phone: 416-314-4222
Fax: 416-314-4234
Email: linsay.weis@ontario.ca
The Crown Attorney Office is in charge of prosecuting most criminal cases in Canada. For the most part the official and office are under the jusrisdiction of provincial Attorneys General (Minister of Justice in Quebec). in charge of criminal cases at provincial level. They are spread out across the province by municipal districts (county, regional municiaplity, etc…). Larger centres like Toronto have several Crown Attorney Offices. The office report back to the provincial Attorney General or Minster of Justice.
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